Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Free Spirit

    He lives in the air. For only nature knows he is there. He is free. Free of life's constraints and hardship. His life is based on the present. The past and the future can not get a grasp on him for only he can choose to live as he does. To live for love, is to love to live. He chose to realize his own path. Not to live someone else life. No ones but his own. Who's to say were he may decide to lay. For the love of the natural world he becomes part of nature itself. Just as the monolithic mountains of earth came to, over time a man becomes his own elevation. Becomes one in his own, one who can not be swayed in the cycle of life. Only he knows where he may go. Life is your choice. Maybe the easiest choice to make. An easy choice to make but a choice filled with many difficult ones on the way. Only you can determine how your choices effect you daily life. Make it what you want don't look for someone else to hand it to you it does not work that way. At times you may feel as you need a hand and its ok to accept. It still comes down to you and you alone. He is free..