Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Free Spirit

    He lives in the air. For only nature knows he is there. He is free. Free of life's constraints and hardship. His life is based on the present. The past and the future can not get a grasp on him for only he can choose to live as he does. To live for love, is to love to live. He chose to realize his own path. Not to live someone else life. No ones but his own. Who's to say were he may decide to lay. For the love of the natural world he becomes part of nature itself. Just as the monolithic mountains of earth came to, over time a man becomes his own elevation. Becomes one in his own, one who can not be swayed in the cycle of life. Only he knows where he may go. Life is your choice. Maybe the easiest choice to make. An easy choice to make but a choice filled with many difficult ones on the way. Only you can determine how your choices effect you daily life. Make it what you want don't look for someone else to hand it to you it does not work that way. At times you may feel as you need a hand and its ok to accept. It still comes down to you and you alone. He is free..

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


     So for the last week it has been non stop talk of the untimely death of Whitney Houston. Yes it is too bad that a woman with beauty and talent that seldom comes around and rarely together would lose her life in the tragic fashion she did. But let us not forget she had a choice. A choice to live life to the fullest. Something that the majority of mankind strives for everyday. While the average everyday person has to grind to make life what they want it to be, they somehow find a away to make it fullfilling with what they have. For these celebrities to complain and waste life like they do is not justified. To make it as far as Whitney would be nothing but hopes, dreams, and wishes for most of us. At the same time we find something in our hearts, something in ourselves to make life desireable. Sometimes when feeling down I think of lyrics from a song I once heard " If you're not living to love, you're not loving to live" . No matter what may be happening in your everyday struggle we all have something that means the world to us. With this we also have to make a choice about the importance of  the love we have for life. What is it that we love so much that we never stop moving forward in life for the better. Our children, our parents, our friends, our job, or just ourselves. What ever it may be there is something. Something for everybody. I don't think Whitney understood how blessed her life was. How many lives she touched through her magnificent talent. Lives she changed for the better with out knowing. In the end she chose to give up on her true love. The art of her voice. With the world at her feet the choice she made was to live as if there was no one who cared. To feel as if she needed no one . To love only her self destructive vice. If you feel as if you don't need anyone and never will maybe it is time you really do need someone. It could be as simple as a  cup of coffee with an old friend. Some good conversation to let go of the trials and tribulations of life for a moment. We all need that release at times and we shouldn't feel we can't let go for a moment. Let go and just think of how lucky you are to have life it self. And if you happen to be blessed with family even better. Many will say I don't have family to go to. Well if you do not have family look to a friend for they have been the family you have wanted in your life and you didn't even know it. Many times our answers to life are out there. You just have to chose to make the effort to find them and in the end it will all be worth it. Just remember there is always a reason to love life it self. Live to love, love to live...You have a choice....Till next time.

Friday, January 13, 2012

When we think we have lost we may have gained

     Time goes by. Seconds to minutes. Minutes to hours. Hours to days. Three hundred sixty five days to years. Many things change. Not much stays the same. Life as we know it evolves into life we never expected. As we produce life with the children we bear, precious life is taken away in the passing of loved ones and acquaintances. At times we feel nothing will replace what has been lost. But maybe, just maybe nothing has to be replaced. Is it possible the ones we lost never really left? Have we asked our self this before? If not we should. Just think can someone live on forever? No not physically, but spirit allows us to live forever. A close friend told me today he felt as if he was losing touch with his brother. We lost his brother years ago, but he has never been forgotten. My friend told us he no longer hears his brother voice in his own as he used to. After telling us this not one of us were without memory of the years we spent with his brother. His brother by blood and our brother as our fellow man. What he did not realize is that his brother still lives through him. Little did he know hearing his brothers voice in his was his spirit letting him no his little brother was o.k. with his life after life. Now he says it seems as he does not hear that anymore. Perhaps this is another sign. A sign to let go of the grief we all feel when we lose someone close. To come to terms with life and its cycle. Because you let go of the grief  and come to terms with what has happened does not mean you shall forget. Even though you may never forget how you lost someone, you need to let that part of their life be set aside. Set aside to make way for their true spirit. The things about your loved one that made you love them. Something that they instilled in you by touching your spirit with theirs through the simpler things in life such as love and laughter. While love can be difficult, laughter can simplify the most complex problems in life. Laughter is a sort of universal language that everyone everywhere can understand. When you have a relationship with someone weather it be brothers ,sisters, mother, father, husband, wife. Life love and laughter holds them together. At no time do they ever want to see you uncomfortable or upset. The only thing that makes them happy is to see you happy. So why would the ones we lost want you to feel lost and out of place without them? They wouldn't. They would want you to feel right about life. Not to be preoccupied with tragedy, but to live free and celebrate life as it is and as you once knew it. I am not a scholar nor am I a philosopher but I believe that my friend no longer hearing his brother in himself is not a loss. It is his brother still their for him as he always was. There to say "everything is alright". "There is no need to worry about me". To be up above looking down and seeing his most loved ones not feeling well about what had happened to him only makes him want to do what we all do best. To be there for the ones we love.
      It is natural for your heart to ache when you lose some one, but not necessarily healthy to do so. We should celebrate life and the beautiful memories it leaves us with.... In memory of our friend and brother and son, Ryan Green

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Chapter 1

     So, here we go. This is my first entry into the blogging world. I am a comercial and residential painter by trade. Sometimes i consider myself an artist and formerly a writer by hobby. As life goes on we all tend to give up on things that gave us pleasure or entertainment. Some of these activities are better left behind, while some should be explored once again. As I start this new chapter in life with this blog I plan to explore many avenues in the entries of my blog, such as life, family, local national and international current events, fiction, and nonfiction short stories. I understand not everyone will be interested in what i have to say but maybe someone will find something in my entries to grasp their attention. At times expand the way they think about everyday life. Not that I am some kind of great philosipher, but I believe everyone has a philosophy on life that may never be brought to light in fear that it will be rejected by their peers. Even if you feel this way there is no reason to not explore your own philosiphy on your own. Explore your mind, feelings, and world. Be free.